The treasure of Solaleh

Every educational manager, educational planner, trainer, and the teacher wants to work in a certain educational structure, it is necessary to know the first-class resources of his field of work and be able to find a closet of reliable content that is compatible with the desired educational approaches. Have a lot of printed and digital content available, including movies, photos, books, etc. At Ganjeh (Box), we have tried to prepare the golden contents of managers and trainers in a classified manner and with different access capabilities. On the other hand, all past and present lived experiences of Solaleh coaches and managers are also classified in a comprehensive database so that we can add our achievements to the Solaleh closet every time we have an educational experience and be able to learn from the experience of our colleagues as well.

Only Members

The Golden Library of Solaleh Management

Only Memebrs

Establishing a digital library of educational resources

Only Members

Establishing a lesson plan database

Only Members